480 students, 210 teachers and more than 2000 other people from Neamț and Suceava counties benefited for 2 years from specific programs in order to increase the level of awareness and enforcement of human rights, gender issues and access to education
GO-AHEAD Association together with project partners announces on 28th of February 2023, the completion of EDURIGHTS4GIRLS – Equal access to education project
EDURIGHTS4GIRLS – Equal access to education project aimed for a change of perspective in the educational area, through personal development programs for girls, with medium-term impact in increasing self-esteem and combating gender stereotypes, in the number of those who complete school, and in the long term in improving these problems at the level of society in Romania.
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the level of awareness and enforcement of human rights, especially those related to gender issues and access/ right to education through specific measures of personal development, counseling, therapy that benefit at least 480 female students and 210 teachers from 15 educational units in Neamț and Suceava counties, as well as extensive awareness, monitoring, advocacy actions that benefit over 2000 people - students, parents, teachers, members of the targeted communities. Project implemented by the GO-AHEAD Association in partnership with Neamț County School Inspectorate and Suceava School Association for Education and Development with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The project had a total eligible value of EUR 248,853.72 and was implemented over a period of 24 months, from 01.03.2021 to 28.02.2023.
The project achieved its goal by achieving the following results:
- Provided access to specialized services (personal development: counseling and therapy sessions) for at least 480 girls (15-19 years old) from 15 vocational schools/technological high schools (equally number selected from Neamț and Suceava counties), selected in descending order of the situations of vulnerability to which they were exposed, intersectionally (poverty, high risk of absenteeism, school dropout);
- Provided access to specialized services (personal development - therapy) for at least 210 teachers from the 15 vocational schools/technological high schools, with priority to head teachers, in order to raise awareness about gender differences in education, teaching them how to identify and manage situations of gender discrimination and subsequently applying to their classes the methods learned;
- The message of the project reached over 2000 pupils, teachers, parents, directors, local community, of which: minimum 220 boys and minimum 50 parents, from the 15 units/associated communities sensitized on gender issues, access to education of girls through awareness sessions supported by the project volunteers in The Associated units/communities;
- Sociologists and sociological assistants conducted a Study on the current situation regarding gender rights and equality, the issue of gender discrimination in Suceava and Neamț Counties. The study represents a starting point for the monitoring, advocacy and implementation reports on gender equality policies and legislation and action plans, according to the needs of each involved county. 4 round tables were organized with teachers, education experts and members of the local administration for debating the study and action plan;
- Successfully organizing 2 awareness events, with over 100 participants (one in Suceava and one in Neamț). Events aimed at raising awareness, addressing stereotypes and supporting/ consolidating / extending positive changes in attitudes and practices related to gender equality and gender-based violence;
- Fundraising campaign #CurajulNUareGen carried out by GO-AHEAD Association. The campaign aims to support 480 students to continue their studies with the help of personal development and counseling programs developed by GO-AHEAD Association. We obtained 1486 lei from direct donations and 33 completed 230 forms.
"EDURIGHTS4GIRLS – Equal access to education” project represents the first step towards fulfilling the great goal assumed by GO-AHEAD Association to reach every technological high school in Romania by 2030 with personal development programs for students. For 2 years we have supported the educational path of students and teachers through personal development and awareness activities with emphasis on gender equality, non-discrimination, gender violence and stereotypes. Girls students are proud of their achievements, their stories can be read on https://go-ahead.ro/ro/povesti. For me this period has meant a challenge that I have embraced from the first moment with great joy and emotion, and from which it will be difficult to be appart. I will support all educational initiatives of GO-AHEAD Association, campaigning for equal opportunities and the right to education. We continue our mission and we need your support. Do you have the courage to donate? https://go-ahead.ro/doneaza" Dana Jigman, Project Manager, GO-AHEAD Association
"EDURIGHTS4GIRLS project is for us the foundation of a great construction that we are going to build with and for the young people from technological high schools and, at the same time, a turning point because thanks to the organizational development activities within the project we conducted the first fundraising campaign and brought companies, ambassadors, donors and volunteers to our cause.
We believe in the courage of young people to fulfill their dreams! They also taught us to get out of our comfort zone, look at their reality with different eyes, and even do something for them, no matter how complicated, difficult or uncomfortable we often feel.
I firmly believe that only personal development and socio-emotional skills, counseling and guidance can bring about a visible and long-term change in the lives of young people, so that they no longer feel sad, angry and ashamed, tired and stressed." Adeline Duca, Fundraising Director, GO-AHEAD Association
About Active Citizens Fund Romania
The Active Citizens Fund Romania programme is funded through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The overall objective of the Grants is to reduce economic and social disparities, and to strengthen bilateral relations between 15 beneficiary countries and the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The programme is administered by a consortium composed of Civil Society Development Foundation, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Resource Center for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge, acting as Fund Operator designated by FMO – Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants. The objectives of the Active Citizens Fund Romania are to strengthen civil society and active citizenship and to empower vulnerable groups. With a total allocation of 46,000,000 euro, the programme pursues a long-term development of the civil society sector sustainability and capacity, stepping up its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights, while strengthening bilateral relations with organizations from the Donor States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. For more information about the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, please go to www.activecitizensfund.ro. For more information about the EEA and Norway Grants, go to www.eeagrants.org.
The GO-AHEAD Association is a non-governmental organization founded in August 2017 whose mission is change at the educational level (equal opportunities for education, social inclusion, increasing the quality of the educational act). Authorized provider of training, information and professional counseling, the GO-AHEAD Association supports PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT and proposes an INNOVATIVE CONCEPT for improving educational, professional and personal results. We actively promote quality education by emphasizing the importance of developing socio-emotional skills and integrating technology into the formal and non-formal educational process through training activities dedicated to adults, teachers and future counselors, respectively through counseling activities and the development of socio-emotional skills dedicated to children
GO-AHEAD Association - www.go-ahead.ro | Jigman Dana, Project manager +40 726 226 064 | edurights4girls@go-ahead.ro